Horoscope' daily forecast and their interpretations:
Today's forecast:Just when you think you have everything under control, something jumps out and smacks you in the face, dear Scorpio. Emotions will hit like lightning today, so be on guard for surprises. You may find yourself butting heads with someone if you are not careful. Don't set yourself up for failure by expecting too much. If you are going to set expectations, make sure they are within reason.Astrology, forecasts- I never really was a believer in it, but when it matchs with whats going on in your life, you are bound to give it a second thought. Last year in september my forecast read "love may peep in your life", then i was like "Yeah! right!". But it did. A fe months later it read " Temporary separation", and this forecast came true too. But then when I come to think of it, there were so many other things which were mentioned in the horoscope. But we tend to 'interpret' it with whats happening in our lives, we interpret it the way we want to interpret it, we interpret it with the a single-minded focus. Sometimes we become paralysed with a thought- that we cant think beyond that single thought. It could cause us pain, and it does. But you cant control your mind, can you? At least I cant. I wish I could. But alas! If only all the wishes were granted.
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