Sunrise.. Sunset...
Is it a picture of a sunset or sunrise?
The answer precisely reflects your outlook towards life. If you are an 'eternal optimist' you would say "It's a sunrise", on the other hand if you are a 'cynical pessimist', you would excalim "ah! sunset". But if you choose to say Sunset then it could also mean that you are romantic at heart. So right now I'm bit confused what I would say- to me sunrise symbolises a new day ahead, and a sunset promises a romantic evening to spend with someone I love. what does that make me? a romantic optimist?
To be honest- this one to me is a picture of a sunset, if it weren't how can this poor chap wake up so early n start fishing? :P .. well if it's a pic of sunrise then there could be only one explanation to that- he is not like me.. :P
As for whether this is a pic of a sunset or sunrise- I will leave you with a clue- if the sun is in the East, it's a sunrise and if it's in the West, then it's a sunset. :P Didn't I tell you that I'm a genius? :D
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